Play in the City
Explore the city through the eyes of a child
‘Play in the City’ project delves into the concept of reasonable risk-taking for children, advocating for a shift in societal perspectives to foster autonomy and resilience. By challenging the perception of risk and promoting freedom of movement within urban environments, the project aims to empower children to explore their surroundings and develop self-reliance. Through targeted campaigns and engaging public spaces, the project seeks to initiate discussions between parents, children, and government officials, emphasizing the benefits of reasonable risk-taking for child development. The ultimate goal is to create a society that encourages children's autonomy while promoting their connection to the urban landscape.
A project of Nesia Anindita, Katerina Kucharova and Melanie Witting; in cooperation with Espen, Joel, Juliette and Vincent (9 years old) from ISGR.